Dávid Molnár

Tel: +36304915099
Email: david.molnar04@gmail.com

Despite having a degree in Economy, my love for sports was stronger and eventually grew into passion. This led to my choosing personal training as my professional career. I had practiced Thai box for 20 years, 8 of which as a professional competitor. Then life happened and suddenly, from one day to another, I fell in love with the world of weightlifting. I gradually went from a weightlifting competitor to a certified personal trainer and eventually became a judge at weightlifting competitions. I constantly follow international studies regarding the fitness world so that I am able to provide my clients with up to date diet and lifestyle advice. I intend to use all my knowledge and experience within our trainings in order to provide the best possible result for my clients.


  • healthy lifestyle
  • personalised diet plans
  • weight loss
  • muscle building
  • fitness and bodybuilding competition prep
  • individual or group trainings (2 people)



Email: info@gymx.sk

address: 233 Rákóczi st.,

945 01 Komárno

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